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Roller Coaster Project

Science this year, has been a very interesting subject. I have a learned a lot this year through many different projects and assignments. My best project this year in Science, by far has been the rollercoaster project. Through this project we had to create a roller coaster out of foam and many other arts and crafts materials. The rollercoaster had to stand up to many criterias that the teacher gave us. We got to choose our group of four students in order to complete this project.

In my group we decided to make the theme relate to ‘The 100’, a television show that my group enjoys watching. Our group made our rollercoaster live up to the expectations and even exceed them. We had about two loops, two turns, one sideways turn, and two drops. Our rollercoaster worked very well and looked really cool with all the props involved. We received an A on this project and enjoyed a lot of what went on during this project. I learned a lot while creating this rollercoaster; how kinetic energy works and potential energy. This project was a success just like how most of this year was.

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