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Endangered Species

(Click on picture to visit Project)

 Science has been by far one of my favorite classes of the year. There have been many exciting and interesting projects that we have taken part in this year. My favorite project that we have gotten to do this year is probably the Endangered Species Project. During this project we got to pick an endangered species that is on the IUCN list and research about it. We were put into groups of three and we all got assigned different parts of the research. After that was done, we would put together an infographic on what the animal is, why it is endangered and what we can do to stop it.

    In my group we decided to do the Snow Leopard. The snow leopard is extremely endangered and on the brink of extinction. We each researched our part on the project evenly and then made the infographic. In the infographic we lived up to all the expectations and I think it turned out great. I really enjoyed this project and I can’t wait to do more enjoyable project next year.

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